A Special Saturday Evening Dance

The Bush Dance Group presents

A Special Saturday Evening Dance
and Birthday Celebration

on 3 August 2024 from 6 to 10pm

at the Folk Dance Hall, 114 Maitland Street, Hackett
(Dancing in the main hall, socializing in the beautifully refurbished kitchen/supper room)

Catering for all dancers and non-dancers alike, come to any or all of the three sessions
all for just $10 entry for dancers (all $$ go to the band) – no charge for non-dancers

And please, NO presents – your presence is more than enough

1: The evening will start with easy dances from 6 to 7.30pm
all dances taught and called, easy Bush, Contra and Scottish dances

then a

2: Supper break, as we celebrate the 70th birthday of the BDG’s organiser, Mark Simmons
Please bring a plate to share and your own drinks – we’ll provide tea/coffee/cordial

followed by a

3: Dancers Dance from 8.30 to 10pm
harder dances with less teaching but still called as much as possible.


(may not be in this order, or at all, depending on time):
– Queen of Sheeba (English Country, Bush)
– Ballyvourney Jig Set (Irish)
– Australian Ladies (Scottish)
– CHOGM Pentrille (Bush)
– Marie’s Wedding (Scottish)

– Postie’s / Double Postie’s Jig (Scottish, Bush)
– Walking On Air (Contra)
– Burra Bash (Contra)

– Casuarina Waltz Quadrille (Bush)
– Three Score Years and Ten (Scottish)

Click here for a pdf file with instructions for all of these dances.

Enquiries to: ua.gro.kloforanom@ecnadhsub or SMS / call Mark on 0421 814 718

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